She's Sad and she`s Happy


The flower did it again. It gave me an opportunity to open the door to conversation with a mom crossing the parking lot to Planned Parenthood. She walked up to take the flower and we started a conversation. I asked if she was pregnant. She was. She was also scared and confused. She has a difficult relationship situation. Her man wants her to have an abortion, but she does NOT want to have one. She has grown children and a good job supporting the family. He doesn't live in town. She wants to have this baby. After talking together at the Outreach building, and having Sarah join in on Facetime, she sorted things out. We talked to her man on the phone. He`s more on board but not in a supportive way. She made a  complete change in her thoughts and emotions. She said she is having this baby because she wants to and if he doesn't support this decision she will do it without him. She high fived me and said I can do this. We are meeting for lunch today so she can meet Sarah in person. 


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