
πŸ‘  The lashes  πŸ‘ I don't know if this happens to other people when something traumatic is happening. For me, little details stay with me. Details like the temperature of air or a song playing in the background, I notice what a person is wearing. This time I noticed something unusual. I noticed a young girls false eyelashes. I was talking to her about the abortion she was planning. Her lashes were flickering and barely staying on. I couldn't help thinking how fragile this made her look. I was so sad for her. She was so seemingly young. She was talking about her high school graduation right around the corner . I knew she had no idea how this decision was going to affect the rest of her life. I could see she thought it would clear her slate so that she could pursue her dreams. She made statements about how she had dreams of becoming a teacher. I talked to her about how I see women all the time after they've had an abortion who say it was the worst decision they ever made. I
πŸ•ŠπŸ•Š  Peaceful Protesting The beauty of having more people on the sidewalk is that there are more people to collect information and to observe what is going on around the area. This was proven recently when a woman came up to talk to our security guard. She started by asking a few questions and ended with “I see you guys all the time and you are always peaceful and not like some of the other groups that come out on certain days”. She said she liked this approach and was happy we were here.   It has always been our goal, my goal, to send a message of peace and desire to help. We are advocates and prayer warriors. We are not activists. We want to help. We want to share compassion and understanding. We want to open the door to opportunity for women in crisis to gain the resources they need. . I have always felt that it was important to send this message to those in the neighborhood and to passersby. I also want to keep a good relationship with the people who work in the clinic. It is my
πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ Eye Opener   πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ We are a society of people who require proof. We require proof regarding what is in our food. We require proof of purchase. We require proof of service and we require proof, sometimes of paternity. Today I watched a mother to be witness the proof of the truth. I had a chance to talk to a woman coming out of Planned parenthood with proof of pregnancy who wasnt quite sure what she wanted to do. I asked if she`d like to go into the outreach building to talk about her circumstance. She eagerly shook her head. As we wanted the building I turned her attention to the models we have of babies at several stages in the uterus. I showed her what her baby looked like and I watched her eyes open wider as she looked at me for reassurance of the truth.  We had a short conversation about her circumstances and we exchanged phone numbers. I gave her a mommy bag which is a small gift bag with a few things to make a brand new mom feel special and her first gift for her baby so that
 πŸ‘Ώ C onflict πŸ˜‡ We had a terrible day. It was one of terrible sadness and a feeling of helplessness. The situation happened with a couple with a young baby and a baby on the way. The mom didnt think she could handle another baby. The father said he was willing to do whatever was needed to support the family. He`d told her exactly this. Unfortunately the mother to be was already inside the Planned Parenthood facility.  Two of us were talking to the father. While he comforted his baby.He was taking care of his baby and going back and forth into Planned Parenthood to try to get his partner to come out. He went in three times. Our security guard coached him on what to say. He came out each time without her. He continued to talk to her on the phone and this gave me an opportunity to talk to her.  Nothing worked. Twice she told me she'd meet me on the sidewalk. She did not.  At a certain point she told us that she didn't think the staff would let her leave. I responded to this by sa
 πŸ‘¨πŸ‘¨ Man to manπŸ‘¨πŸ‘¨  There is a saying about not knowing who is watching you. Today proved this to be true. I have been standing on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood day in and day out for about four years. For about two of those years I`ve had a security guard standing with me. I have always thought he was great. In fact he is one of the reasons I can do this job that is sometimes full of angst, frustration and sadness. He is funny, kind and loyal to the cause. This was never more clear than the other day when he took an opportunity to talk to another guy experiencing a crisis pregnancy with his partner. On this particular day a man walked up to our security guard and asked if he had a place for him to change his phone. He explained that his partner was inside Planned Parenthood possibly seeking an abortion and he wanted to be able to keep in touch with her. He was visibly shaken. Our guard thought allowing him to charge his phone would be a good opportunity for me to talk
 πŸŒ‰πŸŒ‰πŸŒ‰ Building bridges It is my opinion that communication through peaceful honest conversation can change the world. I think we have become so polarized from too much information and also too much information. This has led to a world divided into camps or teams. This in turn has caused a situation where we can't have calm conversations about big issues. I'd like to see us go back to this so that we can support each other when need be.  One of the big issues right now is the issues of prolife vs prochoice. Sadly influencers of every sort for social media to politicians target populations beginning at very young ages so that by the time someone is faced with a crisis, they have most likely been influenced in the direction to benefit an industry or a political party.  The other day I had the opportunity to hear the story of a mom in criss. She told me of her experience with work at the abortion facility. The mom planned to have an abortion. She felt there wasn't another opt
  Grandmother love πŸ‘΅πŸ‘©πŸ‘ΆπŸ™ Months ago I was in a situation where I saw what looked like a mother and  daughter walking across the parking lot to enter Planned Parenthood. I offered a flower to get their attention. They took the flower but went on to enter Planned Parenthood. A few minutes later the older of the two women came out. I called out to her and asked her what was going on? She shrugged her shoulders and said she didn't know. I called her over and said “do you really not know, or do you actually know that she is having an abortion”. She said she thought her daughter was going to have an abortion. I asked her if she supported this abortion and she said that she did not want her to have it but didn't know what to do. I told her to go back in and get her daughter. She said she didn't know what to say. I said “pray for God's words on your way in and use them”.  A little bit later she came out with her daughter saying God was amazing. Her daughter actually left Pla