π One step removed
More often than not if a person walks by our post outside of Planned Parenthood more than once, they want to talk. They have something on their mind that is troubling them related to abortion. Many times the person will stop and hint around about different aspects of abortion. Sometimes they will act in favor of it and sometimes not. Almost every time someone has taken the time to express their opinions and feelings they will eventually talk about their abortion or one that they were involved with,
Today was one of those times. Today it was a seemingly gentle, nicely dressed man. He went back and forth by us and at one point he said quietly, this is a very good thing you are doing. Finally he came to talk and asked about what we were doing. I explained our purpose and the ways we help those involved in crisis pregnancies. He took his turn in the conversation and began to talk about his story.
His story involved two abortions that he participated in abortion with two different women in his past. He explained how he`d changed and was now a much better person now married with kids. We talked about guilt and regret and I offered the abortion hotline and information on rachel`s Vineyard. He said, in the beginning, that he felt God had forgiven him. I said of course he has and asked how he was dealing with it because i`ve had some experience with older men and their regrets involving abortion. He said he is mostly fine.
I could tell this man was really thinking about things so I mentioned the hotline again. I also talked a little about what happens at the Racel’s Vineyard retreats. As he was getting ready to go he said “ you know, my regret is for these women that had their abortions because both wanted children and neither were able to have children ''. I mentioned that according to statistics we have, infertility is one of the risks of abortion. It is also one that many don't talk about. He said he keeps in touch with both women and that he is sad for them and regretful about who he was then. I mentioned that he might offer them the hotline and Rachel`s Vineyard. He said thank you and took the flyers and I had the feeling he was going to be having a couple of hard conversations soon.
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