There are always two parts to a story and every mom who walks into the outreach building has a front story and a back story. We all do. We have the story we let everyone see and we have the private story that forms us and how we think. These moms who are walking into Planned Parenthood and usually carrying too much of their story and most times just need a way to let it out to process it. I find that letting them talk gives them an opportunity to unravel the tale of what they think needs to be done so that they can get to what is in their heart. Last week magnified this.
“Tee” was wrapped in her partner`s fears and her own fears. She couldn't see past them at that moment. She said she didn't believe in God BUT that she caught herself asking Him for signs to know whether she should keep her baby. She called it bargaining. She didn't really think that was right. I said most of us had done it at some point in our lives. She said to God (that she didn't believe in), if it`s a girl I`ll know I should keep it. She had genetic testing and her baby was indeed a girl. Then she asked for a pink elephant. She said she saw one on Facebook. Still she needed more…..She needed hope.
I dished some up and provided her with resources and introduced her to Sarah and the next day a plethora of others. Meanwhile she'd said one of her roadblocks for her pregnancy was not having a job. Miraculously when she got home she opened her email and there was a job offer.
I made a joke about "Ms I don't believe in God" …..and she laughed and the next day told her story to a captive audience gathering to celebrate babies who`d been born to abortion minded moms.
I`ll need to ask her to confirm but I think she believes in miracles and miracles come from God so we will see where part three takes us. When we let people see their own stories and give them a little hope we give them a lot of God.
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