Pink Elephant Update πŸ˜πŸ˜

We had a mom who wanted to choose life but was uncertain as to how she was going to handle everything. I talked for hours with her and her partner. She told me that she'd been looking for “signs” that she should choose to have a baby. She was questioning her belief in God. Interestingly she got all of her signs including seeing a pink elephant. She also ended up choosing life and giving birth to a beautiful baby girl in early December. 

Our own Sarah has had the privilege of baby sitting. This is a great thing for both ladies. It was a perfect opportunity to really follow through on all of the things that we talk about as far as supporting the mom.s Teanna is working really hard at making a good family structure for the three of them. She stopped by last week to pick up a few items that hadn't come in at the time of the shower so we got to visit and she got to revisit her progress from standing on the sidewalk outside of Planned Parenthood to being invited into our community of caring compassionate people who have been willing to help her with everything. 


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